Today looked like it was going to be a good day.

    Despite the troubles that have followed me past few weeks. I have been living in my social psychology text book trying to zone out and learn for the upcoming exam. It has worked perfectly, I feel like I am learning and that things stick into my head. It really helps to have Jenna and Jamie to discuss it with. Finally I have room mates, I prefer the term friends, that actually are interested in more important things in life. It is great that they eagerly listen when I talk about different theories from different schools of psychology and try to apply them to real life. This makes me learn even better. I appreciate it alot.
   Even though I have been studying like crazy it still feels inadequate, I keep on stressing myself out and the external stressors contribute to even more anxiety. I have been really tense and uptight the past weeks and feel like all this stress and negative energy need to burst out. Writing about it might help. I don't know where I am going with this post exactly but there is something that I wanted to write about. I can't say what it is or whom it happened to because I feel that it's not something I want to make public, neither does the person it regards. 
   Life can be very unfair and upsetting at times and all the bad stuff comes at ones, in the most inconvinient moments. Has always been like this for me. What I know is that I have to be strong, keep on being focused and concentrate on the exams. Being upset and destructive doesn't help anyone concerned. I have been strong. This year I have been more focused and I can say that I am proud of myself. Last year I wanted to go home badly because I needed to re-evaluate and re-charge my batteries, get strength to go back to my normal ambitious and goal oriented self. This semester I just wanna go home to see my family, to be happy about my success at uni and just appreciate every moment of freedom. Also I really, really need some serious sleeping, exercising and preparing for the next semester. Next semester is going to be hardcore. Five psych courses at ones. I am a bit anxious about that but nothing I can do about it and nothing that I wouldn't be able to accomplish. 
  I can't wait to go back to my happy, vibrant self. I can't wait to hear more about the news that I got today and am hoping that the end result of that will be good. I don't really know what will happen if it's not, but it will be devastating. If you are reading this, which I doubt, but you might, I just wanna say that you and I just have to keep strong and think positively and everything will be alright. Because it will, right? Promise me that!!! Love you!

   Well a blurr of words later I really need to get back to my studies. Wish me luck. First exam is on Thursday. Second on Saturday morning, right after work. I will need to pretty much sleep all day on Friday, don't know how I will do that since I have so much studying to do. Me last year would have read one page out of the book and resorted to bindge drinking and meaningless socialising. Not this year, not now. Sorry for such a depressing post.
   This is also for everyone that I haven't spoken to for ages, or seem weird and distant, snappy, bitchy or just different to. Be patient with me.
